Hunger is comprised of a multitude of short essays that follow a narrative arc generally starting in her childhood and ending in her present thoughts, feelings, and realities around her size and relationship with food.
Still, that's the only approach that would allow any substance in a book like this. This book is quite heavy and does not hold back when it comes to a multitude of potentially harmful or triggering topics, so proceed with caution. Over the years, I've seen Tweets or heard random podcast episodes with Gay, so I was curious to finally read her writing. I was re-reminded of it as Roxane Gay announced she was pulling her podcast from Spotify as not to share airspace with Joe Rogan. It was a book I needed to read for a project, and all I really knew was that this book had been a big deal when it had first come out. When I was looking through my TBR trying to figure out what to read next, I discovered that Hunger was available on audiobook from my library and immediately dove in without reading any kind of summary. TWs: discussion of eating disorders, sexual assault